A handy chart I put together so you can see all the collections at one time and decide what to focus on for whatever you may need!
Some have boosts as a reward, others give you energy, still others give you items. Check them out!
Chicken Coop added 6/17/2010
Collection changes 6/25
Mule collection - Before 10 energy, Three hay bales -> Now Fruit Ready Boost
Chicken collection - Before 3 Energy -> Now 4 Energy
Pear collection - Before 7 Energy -> Now 50 xp and Crate
Clearing collection - Before 30 wood and shovel -> Now 35 wood and shovel
School collection - Before 1 HS -> Now 3500 gold
Cow collection - Before Unwither Crop Boost and bucket -> Now 25 food and Bucket
Goat collection - Before 10xp and Cherry tree -> Now 25 xp and Cherry tree
Chicken collection - Before Fruit Ready Boost and 25 food -> Now Peach tree and 25 xp
Corn collection - Before wither protection boost -> Now Goat 25 xp
Peanut collection - Before +1 max energy -> Now Unwither Crops boost
Peas collection - Before 20xp and Goat -> Now Wither Protection Boost
Potato collection - Before 6 energy and Crate -> Now 60 food and Crate
Tomato collection - Before 300 gold -> Now 500 gold
Wheat collection - Before Animal ready boost and Pitchfork -> Now Haystack and Pitchfork
Pumpkin collection - Before 5 Energy -> Now Free Goose and 25 xp
Flax collection - Before Unwither Crop boost and 3 Clothes -> Now 4 Ribbons and 2 Clothes
Peach collection - Before Fruit Harvest Boost -> Now 7 Energy and Barrel
Apple collection - Before Wither Protection Boost -> Now 25xp and Pig
Family collection - Before +2 max energy and Washboard -> Now + 5 Reputation and Washboard
Wildflower collection - Before 100 xp and Bouquet -> Now 50xp and Bouquet
Pine tree collection - Before 3 Planks and 250 gold -> Now Pine tree Sappling and 3 Planks
Oak tree collection - Before 3 Fires and 250 gold -> Now Oak tree sappling and 3 Fires
Chicken coop collection - Before 50 food and 2 Chickens -> Now 50 food and Downy Feathers
Inn collection - Before 2000 coins and Batter -> Now 1 HS
Ox collection - Before +1 Max Energy -> Now Cow and 25 xp
Clover collection - Before 10 food and Sheep -> Now 25 food and Sheep
General Store collection - Before 2 tools and present -> Now 2 Tools and 50 wood
Cherry collection - Before 4 Energy -> Now 3 Energy
Wagon collection - Before Plank and Fire -> Now 2 Planks and 2 Fires
Crafting collection - Before 3 tools -> Now 3 Tools and 50 wood
Brand New Collections
Sawmill Collection - +1 Max Energy
Goose Collection - Downy feather and 35 food
Sunflower Collection - 8 Energy
Apricot Collection - 5000 Gold
Fox Collection - Goose and 25 xp
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