Forum Thread: New neighbors wont'ed

I am looking for new neighbors in frontierville.

11 Responses

I am also looking for new neighbors. I would like to be your neighor. I am 69 yo. have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Please accept me.

Please add me as a Frontierville neighbor!  

I'd be happy to be neighbours with anyone.  I'm level 45, play daily, but find it slow going as the friends who used to play have all dropped by the wayside.  elain fin if anyone wants to find/add me through fb :-)

Hi Elain,

I would more than be happy to add you as a neighbor in Frontierville. I play it reguarly. I do send when Facebook will help me. lol

Thanks. Judy

I would like to add you as a neighbor, but I'm not sure how to do so.

Hi Laura,

Thank you for wanting to be my neighbor in Frontierville.

Thanks Judy

Please add me as a neighbor for FrontierVille/Pioneer Trail.  Sherri Sill Kenney on Facebook.

Please add me as a neighbor for FrontierVille/Pioneer Trail.  Sherri Sill Kenney at Facebook

I'm not sure this the same Frontierville and Pioneer Trail combo game that I play on Facebook.  That's where I would like to add you as a neighbor.

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