My requests are not showing on my friends wall so its almost impossible to complete my missions!! The only way I can collect items is by gifting others! This has been going on for about 3 weeks now. I've tried blocking and re-allowing both Frontierville and Pioneer Trail but it hasn't made any difference. Can somebody help me please???
everytime i ask for help, if i need it from friends, my page get stuck (freezes) i can no longer ask friends for help or even when i have to individuals the page freezes, i am stuck waiting for other to ask me for help in order to collect certain items for missions, :-( how do i get past this, the other problem is at one time i could to to my games requests to accept every thing then at the bottom of it all i could see requests from my neighbours...
I would like more Frontierville players as neighbors ..... I play everyday and I am at level 92 only add me if you play daily and send to other players .... thanks.
Hey im having a little problem, to cut long story short i got a letter from the Hank guy on frontierville. It's saying 'Don't ya want yer letter? Click the yella arrow!' (to read it) THERE IS NO YELLOW ARROW?!?! I went on a site looking for answers and someone had the same issue as me but the answer just said ignore the yellow arrow and look for the picture of the letter. On my homestead there is also no picture of it.. ): PEASE HELP!!
(Just copy and paste the link to find my profile, then add me, making sure you state why your adding me!! -
I am looking for HONEST and GIVING neighbors, such as myself. If you play with alias accounts or hide your critters, etc., please do not add me. I am a FUN and NICE neighbor and will do my best to help you out!!! Thank you so much!
Look, I realise I'm begging, but I've been asking for this for months. And since the "official" Zynga Forums have banned item-trading, I'm really struggling to get through the collections I missed out on.
I had put 30 geese in my newly expanded section for one of the missions - they were to become adults today. I went away for the week-end and my geese .... have vanished.....
What is this about double XP for the anniversary celebration days? I'm not getting double and wonder whether I missed something I have to do to get that..?? Also, I'm not getting the pop-up for the "daily" chance to win horseshoes. Saw one, no more since.
I have quite a few that I don't need and wanted to know if I could gift them. I don't have a storage shed yet and just wanted to know before I wasted the time building (not high on my priority list though I know it should).
Do you'll know a program software to detect unmask caller's for cellphones for abroad network's carriers, as i often travel abroad to Hong Kong ,Japan and Malaysia and i went switch to those networks via changing the States sim card to the local domestic sim card i often received unmasked/private number's callers calling myself but i have not way of finding out who is it?
Looking for neighbors in Frontierville, and Cityville.. I play constantly and am considered to be a good a neighbor as far as giving gifts, etc. would like same to respond. Thank you.