I missed my first opportunity to get the Frontierville toolbar but now i want it! How do i get it? ...
Gifting links for FrontierVillePlease visit FrontierVillePost.com for gifting links! You will find links for building and school supplies, mystery boxes, ribbons and more! Get stuff sent to you!First ...
Howdy!! Ive set up a Frontierville Neighbours group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=125321777506137; simply post an add me request to the wall. 660 members and growing. ...
I see my neighbours have the water tower , but i dont have it ??? How do we get it ???? can someone let me know please ...
I have tried installing it 50 times... and NOTHING! Anyone else having troubles? ...
One of my current quests requires that i play 5 other games and complete various tasks which i have done. On Farmville i have planted and harvested 600 crops and STILL NOT received my horseshoe. On Te ...
I am looking for the Independence Day collection. Will trade mystery collection, labor day collection or what ever you may want that I have . Thank you! ...
Hello! I was just trying to figure out this whole unlocking buildings. I know you can pay horseshoes to unlock them or have enough friends on the game but are there any other ways? I seem to remember ...