Where can I find the "Welcome Mat" ? I can't open the school without it. Can anyone help pls ?
Forum Thread: Welcome Mat ?
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33 Responses
Same problem here and no one seems to be able to help...
u find the welcome mat when you collect the bonus on our cabin
Thank you Chez...I'll keep getting the bonus & hopefully soon it will give it to me. :)
I know you get the welcome mat from the cabin but I have been playing this game for at least a month and half and still nothing. There has to be a level or something you have to get to... Any help would be appreciated
All the forums say 'get it from the cabin'. I built a second cabin, maybe this helps? BTW: I need more neighbors - interested?
u can add me and will give y a mat if havent got one yet
add me for frontierville
hi! does anyone have an extra welcome mat?
do you have pillows
I am desperate after months of playing this game I have not got one welcome mat please help
I will give u a mat if you all me
I need a welcome mat bad.. can anyone help?
I found if you use your child to collect from the cabin most people are getting the welcome mat
can some tell me where i can get the post cards in postcard collection
I don't know for sure, but you get postcards when you travel. ie Goldrush and other 3 areas that are not open yet.
The postcards are olny found in chests at this time. They have the same reward as the poo collection, I have no clue as to why we need them
The postcards are olny found in chests at this time. They have the same reward as the poo collection, I have no clue as to why we need them
tkanks for the info
Has anyone got a mat they can send me please have been trying forever to get one.... any help will be appreciated it... will gift in return...
think might have one not sure welcome mat hope didnt give it away- add me if you like
if anyone has white egg willing to trade of gift back thank you
Maria I tried to find you on FB but there are a lot of MAria Wise adn the SL didn't come up when I added it... I was wondering if you still had the welcome mat and I think I have a white egg if you are tlaking about the chicken coop collection.. see if you can find me to add if you still have the mat and wanna trade... please put frontier in line.. ty
I have many collections already finished and stocked.But welcome mat is painfull. I made 7 cabins and over a month not a single welcome mat appeared.
Yes I understand,some parts of the game must be hard to find but,I think this is a bug because even in 210 try could be one welcome mat appeared but not.
I think the game producers must fix this problem because this isn't a problem of money.I bought mystery boxes and other stuff but no welcome mat no welcome mat.
This welcome mat quest is starting to piss me off. Does anyone have one that they would be willing to trade?
I would be happy to be your friend and help you along. You must be from USA and not one who cries "add me" and gets tons of friends. I play with a small group and I do believe I am level 55 and yes I have 27 mats.
I sent you a friend request. Thank you Susan!
I have one spare welcome mat. I will change it for one pillow. Who want, send me mail on facebook. ;p
Hey I have a extra welcome mat. I got one from another neighbor and then i got one on my own, n i really dont need it. Add me as a friend. Also, I tried to buy the cabin for 4wood. and build it till your ready to finish it. Then sell it if you dont get the welcome mat and try again. I tried and got lots of cabin stuff but no welcome mat at that time. I also used me and my husband to build 2 cabins at the same time. Hopes this helps!
In search of a welcome mat if anyone can help me please. TIA
I finally found a welcome mat from my 7 cabins and could open the school more then a month after :) If I will find a spare I will share with you. And there was a clue here,I think is true ,if you use your child collecting bonuses,you have more chances.Yesterday I found a welcome mat with child,and today I found a pillow with child too.I started using child when I read the comment,and after 10 days its happened.
Add me on facebook if you like x Major frontierville Junkie lol. Love ittt!! I dont have a mat either x
I still have something 10 or so welcome mats left.. add me and I'll send you one! :P just send a message after that to let me know that you want one! :P
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